Apr 18, 2022Liked by Liz Hodgson

Loved the photo of Audrey Hepburn. She could wear a flower pot and look elegant.

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It was very trippy. Nobody knew how to behave. Luxury is OUT! Competition is OUT! All these things that celebrities and the Oscars are about, are now OUT! It felt like Woke culture crumbling in on itself, incoherent signalling all over the damn place, and a bunch of actors without any script or sense of how to behave. As if the puppeteers strings had been cut. Awesome job as always, Liz, you are a star!

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Lost interest in the Oscars ever since Tom Hanks won for Forrest “Gumped”.

These sanctimonious weasels are responsible for the original virtue signalling perched high in their castles…

However…your article is spot on!!!

Keep it up Brenda👍

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Great article Liz but for sure you should have included Jada's Green Slim Swamp dress as pretty cringe worth. Wonder why Chis Rock didn't comment on that ugly thing.

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